
Mobilità staff della scuola

Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994

Utente PAIC8A8003-psc

da Paic8a8003-psc


Mobilità staff della scuola Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994


La nostra scuola ha ottenuto dalla Comunità Europea il finanziamento per il progetto Erasmu+, Azione chiave 1, per l’anno 2019-2020, dal titolo “At school beyond borders and prejudices for inclusive management of the difference”

Il programma consiste in un mix di lezioni, laboratori, visite e attività socio-culturali per aggiornare la professionalità dei docenti e del personale amministrativo sull’ utilizzo di metodologie efficienti per l’apprendimento della lingua inglese e l’uso di strumenti innovativi nella didattica e nell’approccio con persone provenienti da altre nazionalità. Sono previste n.2 mobilità in Irlanda: 1) corso strutturato English for teachers ; 2) Job Shadowing. L’emergenza epidemiologica ha determinato la necessità della proroga di un anno per consentire di effettuare le mobilità programmate quando e se le condizioni di sicurezza potranno essere garantite. La Referente d’Istituto Ins.te Maria Provenzano


The project stems from the commitment to respond to the educative needs of the l, I.C. “Casa del Fanciullo” staff and teachers. Our school is a is a State Instituto Comprensivo comprising 800 pupils aged between 3 and 14, and 90 teaching staff in an infant school, primary school and the first year of secondary school, who want to open up to intercultural exchanges with European partners and expand the dimension of the own school according to an international perspective. In particular, given the school attendance of a notable percentage of pupils with Special Needs and with disabilities over the three levels, the school organises curricular and extracurricular activities dedicated to the education legality and, also, implements the project PON ESF 2014-2020 which is aiming at the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty.

We intend to participate in a European mobility to get our staff (headmaster, his collaborators and teachers) to acknowledge new teaching methodologies and practices of inclusive management adopted in other European schools and to improve their linguistic skills which will be crucial to communicate effectively during visits to European schools. To this end, have been planned an English language training and an activity of job shadowing for the headmaster, his staff and some teachers.

We are looking for an enhancement of the English skills of the headteacher and of the project coordinator, who, in order to determine some improvement related to the school’s management for the growth of the entire school community, need to gain more fluency in English, at least a B2 level of the CEFR, so they will be able to carry out future exchanges of best practices regarding school management and leadership with European schools.
To start with this goal could be reached through to the attendance of a structured course in Ireland for five teachers of the institute, who will acquire a greater mastery of English which will allow them to be actively involved in the consecutive job shadowing activities.
Furthermore, the participants will undertake the responsibility of disseminating and instructing the entire teaching staff regarding the professional knowledge and experience learned during the mobility. Over the past years, staff and teachers have already given priority to the language training through the attendance of courses in English-speaking countries for the achievement of the B1 level, as well as they attended courses focused on the CLIL methodology. In addition, the staff is also currently attending an English language course part of the National Three-Year Plan of teachers’ training and, in line with main purposes of the school, a group of teachers has been involved in training courses
dedicated to inclusion and disability, social cohesion and youth unease.
For our educational organisation, the cooperation with other partner countries for the exchange and the discovery of good practices regarding both the teaching and learning process, the management and administrative policies of schools over Europe, responds to the will of improvement and innovation of our three-year training offer. The staff and teachers’ participation in such mobility has the following priorities and objectives:
– to acquire / improve English skills in order to enable a comparison with other realities, to access sites and resources, to plan and run projects and twinning with European partners;
– to deepen the knowledge and use of new technologies for an inclusive education through the exchange of professional experiences with Irish colleagues;
– to improve planning, monitoring and evaluation skills;
– to activate an exchange of good practices of inclusive leadership and observe management models differences between schools from several countries part of the European partnership.
The experience of cooperation between European partners represents an added value for our school that intends to look beyond the national borders in order to promoter lifelong learning and broaden personal and professional horizons and to encourage the improvement and the development of our school. Considering that our main objective is to create an inclusive leadership for an effective learning of our students who should be active protagonists of the school community, the knowledgeacquired by staff and teachers during such professional training abroad would be then disseminated in the territory and integrated in the educational practice for a positive repercussion on the development of professional skills of the whole school staff.




– Domenica 17.10.2021 arrivo all’aeroporto di Dublino alle ore 00:25 e trasferimento all’ Harcourt Hotel (60 Harcourt
Street, Dublin 2, Ireland).
– Lunedì 18.10.2021 dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 17:00, attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam
Place, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Martedì 19.10.2021 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00, attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam
Place, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Mercoledì 20.10.2021 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00, attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam
Place, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Giovedì 21.10.2021 dalle ore 14:00 alle ore 17:00, attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 FitzwilliamPlace, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Venerdì 22.10.2021 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00 attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 FitzwilliamPlace, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Sabato 23.10.2021 Visita in mattinata al Trinity College e, nel pomeriggio, alla Guinness factory
– Domenica 24.10.2021 Visita programmata: Cliffs of Moher
– Lunedì 25.10.202 Visita di Phoenix Park, Dublin Zoo e Christ Church Catthedral.
– Martedì 26.10.2021 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00 attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 FitzwilliamPlace, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Mercoledì 27.10.2021 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00 attività di Language taining presso la Polish House (20 FitzwilliamPlace, Dublin 2, Ireland)
– Giovedì 28.10.2021 partenza alle 07:30 per l’aeroporto di Dublino e rientro in Italia a Palermo con scalo a Milano.


– Domenica 08.05.2022 arrivo all’aeroporto di Dublino alle ore 01:15 e trasferimento all’ Harcourt Hotel (60 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, Ireland).
– Lunedì 09.05.2022 dalle ore 09:30 alle ore 12:00, presso St Patrick’s Junior National School. Corduff, Blanchardstown,Dublin 15 e nel pomeriggio visita alla Guinnes
– Martedì 10.05.2022 dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 12:00, presso Ballinteer Education Together NS, Churchtown Lower,Dublin, (01) 296 3017 e dalle 13:00 alle 14:00 Griffith Barracks Multi-Denominational School, The Old Guardhouse, SCircular Rd, Dublin, D08 KVY4
– Mercoledì 11.05.2022 dalle 09:00 alle 12:30 presso Ballyboughal National School , Swords – (One of the teachers is required to give the students a small talk on their home country) – R108, Grange, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin
– Giovedì 12.05.2022 dalle 13:00 alla chiusura presso St Patrick’s Junior National School – Tennis Ct Ln, Townparks,Skerries, Co. Dublin
– Venerdì 13.05.2022 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 12:00 – Our Lady’s Immaculate Junior National School Malahide rd Darndale 17 Co. Dublin POSTCODE: D17TR25 e nel pomeriggio visita al Trinity College
– Sabato 14.05.2022 alle ore 06:15 partenza per l’aeroporto di Dublino e rientro in Italia a Palermo con scalo a Milano.



Mobilità 1 ERASMUS+ Dublino Diario di Bordo Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994

Mobilità 2 ERASMUS+ Dublino Diario di Bordo Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994



Mobilità staff della scuola Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994

FileDescrizioneVersioneDimensioneData inserimentoDownload
scheda-monitoraggio-post-mobilita 218.20 KB22-04-2024 Download
scheda-monitoraggio-durante-la-mobilita 179.94 KB22-04-2024 Download
quest.-valutazione-finale-ka1 188.12 KB22-04-2024 Download
Relazione-finale-ERASMUS-PLUS-2010-1-IT02-KA101-061994 552.42 KB22-04-2024 Download
Modello-relazione-partecipanti 165.60 KB22-04-2024 Download



Prima esperienza di mobilità del personale dell’I.C. Casa del fanciullo relativa al progetto Erasmu+ KA101

Seconda mobilità del progetto Erasmus+ KA101

Mobilità staff della scuola Progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994 Dissemination

FileDescrizioneVersioneDimensioneData inserimentoDownload
Pubblicita-Progetto-KA-104-Erasmus-2019-1-IT02-KA101-061994- 324.83 KB22-04-2024 Download
Circ.-n.-100-Bando-interno-ERASMUS-KA1 1.40 MB22-04-2024 Download
Brochure 104.93 KB22-04-2024 Download